Aptos is an independent Layer 1 blockchain platform focused on safety and scalability driving growth within a decentralized network and developer ecosystem.
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Aptos is an independent Layer 1 blockchain platform focused on safety and scalability driving growth within a decentralized network and developer ecosystem.
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Do take note that there are minimums on staked balance, staking amount and unstaking amount:
There is a minimum staking amount of 10.1 APT for a new wallet. However, if your staked balance has > 10.1 APT, you can stake amounts lesser than 10.1 APT (e.g, 1, 2 or 3 APT).
Minimum unstaking amount is 10.1 APT. If your staked balance falls below 10.1 APT post unstaking 10.1 APT, the full staked balance will be unstaked. However, you can unstake amounts lesser than 10.1 APT (e.g, 1, 2 or 3 APT) if your staked balance is > 10.1 APT after unstaking at least 10.1 APT.
What are the supported wallets for Aptos?
Petra and Martian wallet.
Is there a fee?
We charge a 5% commission fees for running staking infrastructure. The APY shown on the dashboard is the yield before deducting commissions. As APT staking is native to Aptos, do ensure that you have sufficient APT in your wallet to pay for transaction gas fees.
What is the unbonding period?
There is a validator lockup period that varies from a few hours to 30 days, depending on when you unstake your APT. You can only withdraw your APT after the unlock date has passed. The unlock date is unique to each staking pool - check Nansen's unlock date or on the Nansen Staking Hub Aptos staking page.
How do I restake?
Staking rewards are auto-compounded every epoch (~2 hours).