Flare is a full-stack layer 1 solution designed for data intensive use cases.
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We are in the midst of integrating FLR delegation (to FTSO) and staking (to validator) on Nansen Staking Hub.
For now, you can use any EVM compatible or supported wallets on Flare portal to put your FLR to work in 2 ways:
Delegate to Nansen's FTSO - No minimum tokens to delegate and no lockup period
Under Account tab, connect your wallet, then click on Wrap to wrap your FLR into WFLR to prepare for delegation. Remember to leave a small amount of FLR to pay for gas cost.
After wrapping, click on Delegate, select Nansen from the data provider drop down list and submit the transaction for execution.
FTSO rewards are paid out roughly every 3.5 days. Rewards has to be claimed within 90 days, or will be burned.
Stake to Nansen's validator - Minimum 14 days lockup
Under the Staking tab, connect your wallet, then enable your staking account by signing a transaction.
Once the staking account is created, deposit FLR into the account. Remember to leave a small amount of FLR to pay for gas cost.
Click on Stake, input the amount to stake, and select Nansen from the validator node drop down list. You would also need to input an end date to stake the FLR, with 14 days being the minimum. Do note that your funds will be locked until the end date.
Staking rewards are paid out roughly every 2 weeks and there is no time limit to claim the rewards.
What are the supported wallets for Flare?
EVM compatible wallets such as Metamask and Rabby.
Is there a fee?
We charge a 10% commission fees for running infrastructure for the validator and FTSO. The APY shown on the dashboard is the yield before deducting commissions. As FLR delegation and staking is native to Flare, do ensure that you have sufficient FLR in your wallet to pay for transaction gas fees.
What is the unbonding period?
WFLR delegation to FTSO - no unbonding/lockup period. FLR staking to validator - minimum 14 days lockup (you can choose how long to stake/lockup).
How do I restake?
Staking rewards has to be manually claimed and re-delegated or re-staked.
FTSO delegation rewards are paid out every 3.5 days and validator staking rewards are paid out every 2 weeks. Note that there is a 90 days time limit to claim delegation rewards from WFLR delegation to FTSO.
Last updated